Four liner companies first opened in Fuzhou, Hong Kong-India-Pakistan route

  • Date: Sep 27, 2016
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  • Categories: News

Recently, COSCO Shipping, Evergreen Marine, Wanhai Shipping and Taiping Shipping jointly opened the first container route between China and India in Fuzhou Port. COSCO Sao Paulo made its maiden voyage to Jiangyin Port in Fuzhou. The opening of the route to fill the direct route between Fuzhou and India, India and Pakistan for the growing port in Fuzhou by the emerging market brought about by the volume of new and convenient direct shipping services.

According to reports, the four shipping companies in the route were put into an average of about 5,000 container capacity of about 4,000 TEU container ship, every Thursday anchored Jiangyin, Fuzhou, via Fuzhou Jiangyin, Hong Kong, Nansha, Shekou, Singapore, Klang (North) , Colombo, Karachi, Mondra, Klang (North), Fuzhou, Jiangyin. In the first eight months of this year, the container throughput of Fook Kong Container Terminal was 1.272 million TEUs, an increase of 9.2% YoY, among which the total container throughput of Fuzhou Jiangyin Port was 798,000 TEUs, an increase of 10.2%.

In order to further enhance the “sea-to” radiation capability, the Fujian Inspection and Quarantine Bureau is committed to speeding up the efficiency of ports, continuing to deepen coordination and cooperation with local governments and port inspection units, especially through strengthening cooperation with Customs, promoting institutional and technological innovation, Cooperation, inspection “one-stop inspection” to combat wood packaging escaped seizure, and promote the development of key industries, for the Customs and Excise Department to smuggle the goods, customs clearance, customs clearance, Provide technical support, etc. to enhance the effectiveness of output, strengthen the gatekeeper functions, enhance service development force. Effective implementation of the “three links straight”, customs clearance paperless, multi-point entry of goods inspection, decentralization to promote the reform of the origin of the visa system and the Pan-Pearl River 6 provinces, customs clearance and other customs clearance facilitation measures.

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