Zim enhance Asia to the US East Coast and Gulf routes

- Date: Apr 20, 2016
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- Categories: News
April 18 from Zim learned that the company will enhance Asia to the US East Coast and Gulf of Mexico service, with seven different weekly service from major Asian ports to the US East Coast and Gulf of Mexico market, providing port to port and a wide range of the best transit times:
Zim Qixing Express Service Z7S (ZIM Seven Star Express) was established in May 2015, by the South China, Vietnam and the Indian Subcontinent to the US East Coast, will increase linked to Port Klang, Port voyage to New York 24 days.
ZPA route (ZIM Pacific Atlantic Service) is subject to FMC approval, Zim’s new route, the route covers the central and South Korea to Port of Miami, Jacksonville Port, Port of Charleston, is scheduled for execution in early May.
CEC route (China East Coast) and SAS route (South Asia Suez Service) will continue to provide extensive network from Southeast Asia to the United States and Canada East Coast service. CEC provides routes to Southeast Asia and South China Port of Charleston, SAS provides route from Thailand to the United States East Coast direct flights from Southeast Asia to the port of Halifax (subject to FMC approval).
ZCP route (ZIM Container Service Pacific) will continue to provide the Central, North and South Korea to the Caribbean, US Gulf and US East Coast service.
ZNX route (ZIM New York Express service) will continue to Shanghai from Hong Kong to New York and Wilmington Harbor best transport voyage.
ZTU route (ZIM Taiwan USEC service) will continue to improve the port of Kaohsiung and Xiamen direct service to the US East Coast.
Nissim Yochai, vice president of Asia-Pacific trade: “Strategy One Asia to the US East Coast shipping trade is a star, so we continue to invest and strengthen this important trade, a combination of products and services to provide customers.”
Source: Air China Trade Network
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